Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tell Katie to stop following me!

The girls have been in summer school since May 30th, and this is a "fun" summer school they can be a part of. On top of that, they earn money for even going to school: $100 if you don't miss a day, $75 if you miss one day, etc. So far they haven't miss a day of school as they are trying so hard to earn their $100! (Maddie would love to get an American Girl doll, and Katie wants a pool -- ha ha, the money is going towards school stuff). Anyways, this is the first time the girls have gone to school together. Maddie has been able to start a Kindergarten class to help the little ones just getting ready to start school learn about school, so she'll have a head start. I had Katie take her to her classroom every morning just to make sure Maddie got to her class fine. After a week Maddie started complaining that she can do it herself and didn't need help. I still wasn't very comfortable with Maddie being alone with all the big kids in that school, so I told Katie to "hang back" and watch her go into her class. This morning Maddie proceeds to tell me to "tell Katie to stop following me!". I asked her "what do you mean?". Maddie replied "well, she always follows me to my class and I can DO IT MYSELF!" (the bold meaning she really emphasized her feelings!). I looked at Katie and said in a quiet voice in which Maddie couldn't hear me "you were supposed to stay far back so she didn't see you!". So, today Maddie is going to her class all by herself. I'm already training Katie to be a secret FBI agent, starting with the fact of following someone discreetly. Perhaps I need to work on the discreetly part? ;)

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