Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a mess!

I have been avoiding Maddie's room like the plague. It was such a horrible horrible mess. In her closet I have all her toys boxed up individually: Strawberry Shortcake stuff is in one clear box, My Little Pony's in another, etc. Well, she tends to get these boxes down w/ the help of SOMEONE (uh-hum, wonder who?) and plays and never cleans up her messes. I kept warning her that if she didn't clean it up, I was going to do it. So today, on my one day off this week, I cleaned the little stinker's room. It took me three hours, 2 huge black bags full of toys we're getting rid of, two white garbage bags full of junk/trash, and one huge white bag full of clothes that no longer fit her or she refuses to wear.
Here are some before and after pics. I'm SO proud of myself ...

Before ...
After ...

Now, I just need to go through Katie's room. *laughing wickedly*
Here's Katie in her new outfit (shirt & tights) Aunt Tiffany found for her at Children's Place. Looks great on her Aunt Tiff!

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