Monday, May 26, 2008


Quick! Go outside and find out if pigs are flying?!

I ask this because Saturday the girls *actually* listened and OBEYED all day long! I know something is up... and figured when pigs fly is the day my girls listen and obey what I tell them. It was a day of cleaning for the three of us Saturday morning, and I told them "OK, Madison, empty the dishwasher and Katie, vacuum the rooms". They said very sweetly "OK!" I had to do a double look at them as they walk out of my room. WHAT? Sadly, that only lasted a few hours, but I will look back at this day fondly and remember the feeling of what it was like to have my children actually listen to me. What a feeling!

Mike and I went to my parents house for a "staycation" for the weekend. Mom and Dad needed help on their house, and so we went over to help them out .... Mom and I worked in the kitchen, making granola (two batches, one for her and one for me!), making quite a bit of stuff to eat on over the weekend. My mom is like a tornado in the kitchen. I can literally stand in one place, and she's running all over the place doing three dishes at the same time. I'm just in her way, so Mom... if you don't see me in the kitchen, it's because I'm in the way. ;P

We watched movies: P.S. I Love You (what a sweet, yet sad movie!), August Rush... parts of Hairspray. We just had a great relaxing weekend, except for Dad & Mike, who worked their butts off.


  1. I usually pinch myself on those days. Once they are in bed it's sur-real and I find myself asking was I dreaming of a good day? Is it possible that it was real? LOL

  2. It's possible that I've never had a full day of listening/obeying children. Close, but not all day. You lucky girl! We should have gone out to celebrate with some Ben and Jerry's. No kids. (Is that even possible?)
