Thursday, June 12, 2008

{Walking the Dinosaur}

Last Saturday the girls and I went to the new Sprint Center to see the Walking the Dinosaurs exhibit/show. I had seen this show on commercials, and it looked incredibly neat, but the tickets were outrageous (I didn't really look for prices b/c the girls aren't *that* into dinosaurs, unlike some nephews of mine). Friday night I was at Jenn's daughter's birthday party (Jen is my best friend), and she had another good friend over, and they asked if we wanted tickets to see it the next day! They only had 3 left, but we took them.

This picture was so cool b/c everything was blown up w/ air and had strobe lights in somewhere. It resembled the plant life. If you look at the picture above, the palm trees in the stone was inflatable as well... so cool!

These tickets were $50 tickets, and it was SO awesome to sit up close! The dinosaurs were incredibly so real looking, and it was just awesome. I disobeyed the rules, and took some pics with a flash before I was caught and told to stop taking pics w/ the flash on. In my defense, I had just realized the pics turn out better without the flash on, and when I turned my camera off, then back on again, I didn't know the flash would be on.. oops! The girls LOVED the T-Rex dino. She was awesome! I say "she" because the baby t-rex was moving around (there were people under that dinosaurs' costume... I had to laugh b/c I saw 4 feet coming out of the baby one's, and I thought "wah? I thought they only had 2 feet and itty bitty hands!"). At the end when the momma T-Rex came out, the baby finally found her momma, and everyone in the audience went "aawwww". :) Then the momma would ROAR and the baby would try to copy with a "baahhh".

**If you click on the pictures, you can see them bigger.

Getting ready for this weekend at the Scottish Festival. The girls have been practicing hard! I'll update with results from that competition this weekend!


  1. Super cool show! I am so jealous you got FREE tickets, way to get hooked up my friend.

    Now we need pics of the girls in their Scottish attire from their competitions.......

    (I have no idea what Scottish attire is called for girls....)

  2. (cont)

    ....good thing I married into a Scottish family huh?
