Saturday, July 26, 2008

{The House}

We finally found a house... and it's about 2 miles from where Mike is going to work. I didn't bring my photo UBS cord with me, otherwise I'd download the pictures.

It's a cute house, but only has 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths. It looks incredibly tiny on the outside, but when you get inside, it's very big and spacious. Everything is tiled, has a fireplace, and the kitchen is really cute (complete w/ black & stainless steel utensils (stove, fridge, dishwasher). Most of those are brand new anyways.... so that's good. There are French doors leading to the backyard in both the dining room & the master bedroom. We have a small L shaped backyard complete w/ very pretty flowers/bushes. I'm sure I'll kill it all sooner or later.

The girls' school is just a few blocks away, and it was in the best school district San Antonio has, so we lucked out with that as well. The bedrooms are prtty big, and one has a built in desk in it. It has a two car garage, so Mike was thrilled about a place to put his tools and our food storage. Again, it's about 1500 square feet, not very big, but big enough for us. The dining room & living room is one huge room, but it has beautiful light fixtures in the house. As soon as I get home, I'll download pictures.

1 comment:

  1. hey amy! i finally got over to your blog! are you already moving?! i hope things are going smoothly, and hope to hear about it soon.
