Tuesday, August 12, 2008

{The Homestead}

Katie is feeding the baby goats by bottle

Last week we enjoyed one last trip to the Deanna Rose Homestead. I had promised the girls weeks ago we could do the mining part of the farm, as well as feeding the baby goats. Our dear friends, the MacArthur's, invited us to go one last time, and we had a great time!

Maddie is starting to feed a baby goat... there is HOPE!

Still feeding the goat, but look at her face... not very happy
Get me out of here! Sob sob (and she's hysterical at this point) One would think I am a concerned mother and rush to comfort my daughter, but no, I stop and take a picture for all posterity to know that Maddie, at age 6 is deathly afraid of baby goats & is crying her heart out. Do you think I qualify for a Mom of the Year Award? But just know that as soon as I snapped that picture, I did rush out of the pen to save the day and comfort Maddie. :)

Early in the summer, Maddie tried to feed the goats at the farmstead, but they were instantly drawn to her sweetness, and jumped all over her, and proceeded to bite her hand, which held their food, and which in return, she clamped the food even tighter in her hand, refusing to give it to the goats.... I was hoping that by now she would be brave enough to try the baby goats this time .... with a bottle instead! But no, it wasn't meant to be.
Reese appears to be afraid of the goats too
But not Owen! Owen loves the goats!

Ahh.... relaxing on a tractor trike, and it's PINK! The goats are safely gone from her mind at this point.

Sadly, I didn't upload the pictures of the girls mining, so as soon as I download more pics, I'll be sure to add that picture.

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