Thursday, August 28, 2008

{Monkey Bread}

A few weeks ago I was at my friend Jenni's house, and she was making Monkey Bread (or bubble bread to some people). She gave me the recipe to make it, and so last night for dinner I tried it out! It was SO incredibly easy and very yummy!

Monkey Bread

Cream together:
2 T butter
2 T sugar
1 egg
1 t salt
1-2 T yeast

All alternatively:
3-3 1/2 c flour
1 cup water

Let rise 20-25 minutes, then roll into a rectangle, and cut into 1 1/2 - 2 inch squares (I used a pizza cutter), dip it in 1/3 c melted butter. I put these in a bundt pan (you'll lay these sporadically all over the pan) and let rise again. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350.


I'm so inexperienced when it comes to letting dough rise, and I didn't use the type of yeast that doesn't need proofing, so if this turned out great, then I know this is a dummy's guide for great dinner rolls! Thankfully, the Texas heat really does a great job at letting dough rise (if I set it on the grill outside and NOT on the ground, it rises!!).

I have seen monkey bread also made where you cut them in circles, and line them up in a bundt pan standing up (circles standing up), then you can just pull them off.

Course, one friend used to dip hers in butterscotch pudding (the dry mix) then line them up circle wise. You can also dip these in butter, then dip again in cinnamon sugar, for a yummy breakfast treat!


  1. Yay for monkey bread!!! So glad you tried it and even more glad it turned out!! It's the easiest dough recipe I've ever used. I need to try the cinnamon pull-aparts! Today I'm making corn bread and tomorrow will be Karina's banana bread....can't wait!

  2. yum! i am so glad to be surrounded by great cooks! hopefully it rubs off on me! hope you're having fun in Texas...
