Wednesday, August 6, 2008

{Oh Mamma Mia!}

Tonight one of my best friends Jennifer and I had our last "GNO" (girls night out). We had dinner together, and debated which movie we wanted to see. She didn't want to see Mamma Mia, and I did. We both wanted to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, which came out today. Course, we couldn't get tickets, so we saw Mamma Mia! instead.

Let me tell you... IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE!! We were dancing in our seats and singing out loud! We were laughing at Pierce Brosnan's horrible singing and imagining him saying "Bond, James Bond"... well, James Bond singing, and it wasn't a pretty picture. And oh, my favorite Colin Firth.... the poor thing! He was done injustice with HIS storyline! But, his voice wasn't bad at all...

But, if you haven't seen this, go.. no, don't go, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! to the movie theatre! Go with your best friend! The one you can laugh at anything with! You'll be dancing in your seat and laughing so hard you'll pee your pants.

We walked out of the movie theatre, and Jen was thanking me for telling her we have to see it. I told her "The entire time we were watching it, I was thinking... this is High School Musical for adults!". ::giggling:: Sadly, I can't get the Lycra scene out of my head... that was wrong on so many levels, but oh so funny!! Again, poor Colin Firth.... but, if anyone wants to see it, I'm GAME!

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to agree---great movie, great times with the girls!! Glad you liked it, I knew you would!

    Love the title of this post....
