Monday, September 29, 2008

Been trying to keep busy in the past few days. We turned in our broadband modem as Verizon was charging us an arm & a leg to keep it, and we are getting cable & internet through the apartments soon anyways (I found out it could be another 45 days… UGH!, but it’s free, so I shouldn’t complain). So, I can’t “hang out” online as much as I would like, as it’s hard to pick up a signal during the afternoon & night, but early in the morning I can get on just fine!

So, Friday was the first day I had to really find stuff to do. I had bought Modge Podge and decided to decoupage one of the girls’ picture frames. It was an 11x14 frame that was burgundy wood. I made them a poster from Shutterfly of their friends & family back at home, and it arrived last week. But, the frame didn’t match the poster. So, I found some scrapbook paper that matched the poster (black & red). It was a little tricky trying to get red cardstock to stay down, but it worked!! Here are my pictures, so you can see what I did.

The final outcome!!

After I got done with that project (which took me 2 hours), I made mini cupcakes & brownies for Mike’s work party Friday night. I decided to “decorate” the cupcakes with my cake decorating stuff. Do I need a life or what? I topped them with a cherry, and it look “oh so fancy!”.

Then, I went on to make some more clippies and mini flower clippies for the girls hair. There’s a company that sells mini flowers that you can layer along w/ a brad that matches it all in one package, and it was half off, so I tried it out. I needed a black flower anyways. Not too bad!!

This week I am going to tackle my childhood pictures and put them in a scrapbook. We’ll see how well I accomplish that as the girls have 3 days of school that is early release. It’s already time for parent/teacher conference!!

Maddie had a playdate with her new best friend at school: Lilly. They actually only live a block or two away, so it was a great surprise to find out she has a friend who lives close! They had a wonderful time together, and Lilly is a very sweet little girl.

Funny but yet sad story…. I decided to surprise Maddie last week and show up for lunch with her. She saw me, and was excited to see me at first, then started crying. She had a headache (or so she told me). I told her “we’ll eat lunch first, and see how your head feels afterwards”… and she cried almost the entire lunch period, so I took her home and put her in bed. I made sure she knew her play date with Lilly was going to be canceled if she went home sick (Lilly came the next day). Well, we get home, and she’s “all better”. That little stinker. I made her stay in bed the rest of the day though. She told me later to not come back to school again. I guess I make her want to come home. Sniff sniff

See in this picture there’s a little cave? Mike showed me this cave, which is located RIGHT next to the property that he’s at right now (he’s on his last week there before he goes to the construction). Either one or two years ago, a mountain lion used to live in this cave, and one morning this lady took her trash to the compactor located near this cave. She threw her trash in, and saw this HUGE FAT mountain lion eating people’s garbage. She of course freaked out, and the police, etc came to capture this mountain lion. So, I finally got a picture so you can see!


  1. I love the way your frame turned out. I need to try that. I just feel like I never have creative time:(

  2. Love the frame! Look at you go girl!! Where's the cupcakes picture?? Poor Maddy, she wanted to be with her mama, and poor Mt. Lion for being taken away from his cave--especially with the free food being dropped off daily. LOL.
