Friday, October 3, 2008

{Political Perspective from a 6 year old}

Madison came home yesterday showing her paperwork from school. Included in her paperwork was a Scholastic News for Kids, and on it had a picture of Obama & McCain. Inside the paper was three things about each person, and what they liked. McCain loves Mexican food, the book King Arthur and loves to hike. Obama loves chili, the book Harry Potter and he loves basketball.

Maddie’s conversation with me went like this:

Madison: Mommy… we learned about John McCain and Barack Ohana (not Obama, ohana, like “family” in Hawaiian)… and they both want to be presidents!
Mommy: Wow, well, what did you learn about them?
Madison: Well, if it were me to pick, I like John McCain because he likes Mexican food, and I LOVE Mexican food (said with the typical Maddie expression of widening her eyes big), and my favorite book is King Arthur and when we go camping, we always hike, so I LOVE hiking too!
Mommy: When did you read King Arthur?
Madison: in school
Mommy: When do you go hiking when we camp? We haven’t camped in a long LONG time.
Madison: MOMMY! I love to hike!
Mommy: OK …. OK.

So, according to the political perspective of a 6 year old, John McCain is the way to go if you like Mexican food, King Arthur and long hikes.

On the Katie update: her “surgery” went well. The dentist has a cool plasma TV playing Disney movies up on the ceiling, so Katie watched Enchanted the whole time. We went home, and from there she bled for about 9 hours. Her large tooth wouldn’t stop bleeding, but was clotting like crazy, and that was good news, apparently (I did call the dentists’ office again like a concerned mother). Last night she put a towel down over her pillow to catch any blood that may come out, b/c she is a total drooler in her sleep. Madison was VERY concerned about possibly getting blood on HER, so she kept claiming “I don’t want to sleep w/ Katie!” (remember her puking over the sight of blood?) After giving her the choice of the floor or the bed, she made a good choice and stuck w/ the bed. Here are a few pictures so you can see the girl(s) for yourself.... sorry if you get grossed out, but this morning it looked 100% better than it did last night. :)

Other exciting news today, we found our first baby lizard in the house! Yes! We didn’t scream like little girls, but I did trap him in a glass and Mike took him outside (I’m assuming it’s a him). In fact, he showed Katie, but teased her and acted like he was going to throw it at her, and she freaked BAD, and fell over a few things. ::giggling::

In honor of Katie losing her three teeth (4 if you count the night before), here is her favorite soup recipe, which we had last night.

Broccoli Cheese Soup

1 c chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 cups chicken broth
1 (16 oz) pkg broccoli florets
2 ½ c milk
1/3 c flour
¼ tsp pepper
8 oz Velveeta
Heat large saucepan coated w/ cooking spray over medium high heat. Add onio & garlic, saute for 3 minutes or until tender. Add broth and broccoli. Bring mixture to a boil over medium high heat. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 10 minutes. Combine milk & flour, stirring until well blended. Add milk mixture to broccoli mixture. Cook 5 minutes or until slightly thickened. Stir in pepper. Remove from heat, add cheese, stirring until cheese melts. Place 1/3 of soup in a blender or food processor (or hand blender) and blend until smooth. Yield: 6 servings (1 1/3 cup each).
Both of my girls eat this…. and one of them HATES vegetables (Katie). VERY yummy with fresh bread or rolls on the side.


  1. Poor Katie (I hate having any thing done to my mouth, its the worst!!) --hahah, I am cracking up over Madison and McCain (I like Mexican food too). In fact I think mhy whole family likes Mexican food so if the world voted that way then McCain is sure to win!!:)

  2. If only choosing whom to vote for during election year were that simple! And Katie looks like she survived the teeth pulling! It is no fun having major dental work done, I hope you gave her lots of ice cream...

  3. I am smiling about the political comments. It is so refreshing to read the thoughts of a child. Ohh, if life could be that simple again! :)
