Wednesday, January 28, 2009

{Birthday Recap}

On Friday we started with a humongous double layer chocolate chip cake for Katie's class... last year in Elementary school, so we decided to let her get what she wanted. It was delicious!

Maddie LOVES her makeup!

Then when the girls came home, they had a HUGE care package waiting from Papa Rod & Grandma Debbie. They had a blast opening the package!

Then on Saturday morning we left early in the morning for Dallas, where we met up w/ Mike's sister & her family, and Mike's parents. Katie, Tiff, Deb & I left the gang at noon to eat lunch at a yummy Mexican food place. There Katie was sung to and given a birthday sopapilla. She's not one to enjoy attention on herself!

After that, we left to get a pedicure! Katie's always wanted one, and it was one of her gifts from us. She picked an electric blue color. The "I can't understand a word they're saying" Vietnamese ladies gave her a flower to put on her big toes ... just because it was her birthday. She was stiff as a board through the entire procedure, while Tiff, Deb & I relaxed the entire time. We were enjoying ourselves. ::giggling::

Then, Grandma Deb gave Katie her gift... which was a trip to the mall to pick out any outfit she wanted! It took a while to find just the right store, but once Katie saw Aeropostale, she dashed for it, and w/in 10 minutes we were out the door with a complete outfit, 2 shirts & a pair of navy blue pants for middle school next year.
After that, we picked up some Papa Murphy's pizzas (too many.... we were all so full!), and a few movies, and headed on home. Made a cake, gave Katie her other gifts (more clothes from Aunt Tiff & Uncle Dan!).... and headed to Old Navy to exchange a shirt & a pair of jeans for a bigger size & another color.
Papa Paul had the fire extinguisher out ... just in case. ::giggling::

It was a fantastic weekend! Katie was in clothes heaven the entire time!


  1. oh what a great Birthday.
    Mexican food and a pedicure, that is my kind of party. :)

  2. How fun for her!! I'm sad I missed out:( She looks so grown up.
