Thursday, February 26, 2009

{Playing Around}

Last weekend Mike got me a sweet new camera (I guess it's for our anniversary next month, he said). I've been wanting a Canon Rebel camera, but I was still researching the different types. He got a screaming good deal on this one on craigslist and bought it w/o me knowing! and so I (and him) went to town playing w/ it. Now, I don't have a good picture editing software yet as I have Crappy Vista.... and Canon's software doesn't recognize Vista, so until then... I have to deal w/ semi-OK pictures. :) I really need to take a photography class though....

Typical look that Katie gives now... eyes about to roll

Most of these pictures were taken on FHE night (Monday night). It was Katie's turn to pick what we were going to do, and she picked tennis & smoothies (we don't always have a spiritual message). So, away we went to Target to buy more tennis balls (can't find our other balls from the move), and she also bought a basketball she'd been wanting. So, we played tennis for a bit, and basketball. Fun times!


  1. Check out for some free photo editing. I love it.
    Congrats on the new camera and the anniversary next month :)

  2. Your FHE looks like fun. Your weather looks good too:) Can't do that this time of year in KC. I still can't believe how your girls are growing up. Tell Mike nice job on the camera:)

  3. What a fun FHE! That's awesome about your new camera. I'd like to second Laura on it's really great! My sister in law uses it all the time. I think that you will really like it.

  4. What cute girls, Amy! Looks like a fun FHE too. :) I'm jealous about your new camera! I want a "good" one badly!!!
