Monday, February 2, 2009

{What I've learned this week...}

I've learned....

~ that an allowance & a great chore chart system gets the girls moving

~ that my oldest child is a klutz....

~ said child spilled half bottle of nail polish remover all over table

~ that a brand new bottle of blue nail polish that gets knocked off the kitchen counter breaks all over the kitchen tile floor, and it's a MESS to clean up (and happens right before church of all times!)

~ that the remaining bottle of nail polish remover is needed to help clean up the blue nail polish all over floor

~ my girls are messy & unorganized.... I'm currently cleaning their room for them (and throwing away a ton of stuff!! they won't notice, trust me!)

~ being without a vehicle is tough... I didn't realize how much I rely on my vehicle!

~ working out in the afternoon is surprisingly... easier than working out in the morning!

~ something always happens to Mike's truck when I drive it.... always. ::rolling eyes::

~having faith that a good dependable vehicle will *magically* appear... does work!

~that there is THE best hamburger place here down the road... to DIE for! Come visit me & I'll take you there!


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty enlightening week!

  2. now i know who to call when i need to know how to clean up nail polish!

    i wanna come to the best burger joint!

  3. Whats the name of the burger joint. I'm curious to see if we have one. Love every moment of life....even the blue nail polish ones. Because before you know it katie will be off to college and you will be wishing she was home spilling blue or black polish. On the upside, at least you don't have carpet :o) Did you get a car? Love ya!!

  4. Whats the name of the burger joint. I'm curious to see if we have one. Love every moment of life....even the blue nail polish ones. Because before you know it katie will be off to college and you will be wishing she was home spilling blue or black polish. On the upside, at least you don't have carpet :o) Did you get a car? Love ya!!

  5. I just can't work out in the afternoon. I have to get it done in the morning and get it over with for the day.
    OH i am on my way. I love a good hamburger.:)
