Wednesday, March 18, 2009

{Day Three & Four}

Monday rolls around and it's kind of dreary out. It's also FREEZING COLD! I forgot to mention that when we arrived in KC on Saturday night, it was nice & warm out. We left Texas while it was 80 some degrees. Sunday it goes down to 20 degrees. BRRR! My MIL had to work that morning, so the girls & I went to our usual places we love to go: thrift stores & a huge junky store called Cargo Largo. Cargo Largo is a place that you never know what they'll have there, so you have to go often, and most of the time you'll find a great bargain, but you have to look. I'm always finding a screaming deal there.

We get our goods, head out to the truck. I open the back cover that covers the truck's bed. I'm also on the phone to Mike. I load up my package, and as soon as my arm is in the bed, the hood came down ON MY ARM! Ye-OUWW! Let me tell you, that hurt! Katie came over fast to open it up for me (since I couldn't do it). Thankfully, it wasn't broken. I just sported a nice sized bruise that I still have to this day! When my friends asked me about it, all I said was "well, you should've seen the other guy!"

We hung out at my MIL's place until school was almost out. I took Katie up to her old school (Maddie became too shy & nervous, so she stayed behind) to visit w/ her old friends. She went home w/ her best friend for an hour to play.

That night Mike & I had a group date w/ our close friends: the Tui'one's & the Su'a's. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.... that was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! The food was so great! The girls went w/ my in laws to my BIL's home and had pizza & played the Wii.

Tuesday came around, and before we left Independence, we HAD to have Lucia's. Lucia's is a restaurant we always went to, that's a little tiny restaurant but has the best tacos in the world. The lady who owns it .... her name? Lucia! She spoils my girls rotten..... she's taken them shopping once & bought them expensive toys, and spoils them for Christmas as well. That's not why we like her.... she's just a really neat lady. :) We really miss her. Anyways, here is a picture of her w/ the girls.

Then my MIL said "let's go shopping!" So away we went to Target (my happy place!) and she bought the girls each an outfit. Afterwards the girls & I left for Blue Springs. The girls (& I) have some close friends from Highland Dance. They played their hearts out all afternoon. I had a great chat w/ Stephanie (the mom)..... we caught up w/ all the news in our life.

Afterwards, the girls & I left for my parent's house. We left shortly after to eat at a Chinese buffet that was really good! We used to eat there before it was a buffet and it turned into a "so-so" restaurant. Following that, we went to another thrift store (trying to find summer clothes for a growing 11 year old girl), then to my brother's house to watch his little boy while he went to play basketball & so his wife could go take a peek at a new baby.


  1. Sounds like it was a pretty good trip!

  2. Wow! When you guys vacation, you Vacation. Sounds like you're having a great time. Hope that your arm feels better, that really had to hurt.

  3. for some reason, i cannot read the color of your font! when i open your page it looks like the words are just a tiny bit darker than the pink background---is it just me?

  4. Oh I wish you'd called... we'd have loved to see you guys!

  5. Sounds like you guys had a blast! Too bad it was so cold--I cant stand the cold:( Did Lucia cut her hair??? Wish I had one of her tacos right now:) -- Miss you guys. PS-- I swear your girls look even older then in January!

  6. How fun! That's awesome that you got to go out on a date while on vacay!
