Sunday, April 26, 2009

{Japanese Tea Garden}

Last Friday the girls had the day off school. It was a bit drizzly out, so we hoped for the best and made out to the Japanese Tea Garden. I heard about this place from a few friends, and it was a quick place to visit, free, and most of all... beautiful! We were told we had to see this in the spring when the flowers are in bloom. So, away we went, armed with my camera and very limited photography skills.

We started off at the bottom of this entry, and had to climb these rock steps to the top. When we reached the top, this is what we saw.... beautiful!! (see pic of Katie above)

Katie & Maddie are on a rock bridge covered with green foliage. We cross that bridge and it takes us to a beautiful waterfall, on the top of a quarry. This garden was actually built in the 1920's, and it was built from a quarry!!

Madison & I in front of the waterfall, picture courtesy of Katie

Katie & I in front of the waterfall, picture courtesy of Madison

While standing in front of the waterfall, we gazed out to look at another rock bridge which took us to the waterfall... unbelievably beautiful!

In the midst of this garden, there were many beautiful, exotic plants.

There was water all around, and in this water were huge koi fish, and a turtle. We spotted a turtle! After walking around, I found this cool door that was reddish, and made the girls pose for me and my wanna be photography skills. My children were not very excited to be modeling for me, or posing. Some were cute, and some were....

tired of me and stopped smiling for the camera.

PSST... did these pictures show up OK? I'm trying the Image Resizer for XP, but they might be fuzzy if I make it a medium size. What does it look like for you?


  1. I love J. Gardens. We have one here that has a 1/2 mile trail around it and I generally walk there everyday. Its so calming. Your pics are good, but I cant pull them up larger:( Post must be to big.

  2. That place sounds really great! I love going to Japanese gardens. The foliage is always so pretty. The pictures look fine other than they are really small.

  3. awesome photos Amy!! I love the tea garden, especially the Koi pond :)

  4. wow what beautiful pictures. The waterfalls and the rock bridge are so cool. Looks like you and your girls had a great day.

  5. Wow! So pretty! I love that last picture of Maddie. :)
