Wednesday, April 29, 2009

{Run #2 Week 5 C25K}

I'm BAACCKK!! from my run, that is!

Not too bad... not too bad! (wiping sweat off forehead) I snagged up a snazzy bandana from the drawer, and used that as my "vintage" headband. I'm kind of freaked out to venture out much to Target or Walmart due to this swine flu.... so the bandana will work for now. This Texas weather is crazy! It's pretty humid out there, and I ran at 8:30!

Now, for the run.

I did it! I ran! Not the 20 minutes straight though, that's on Friday. (still shaking in my legs on that one!) So, I can totally do this 5 minutes at a time run. Next week it's 8 minutes (but a glorious 5 minute walk in between!).

And I figured out while running and smelling the houses along the way that smell so yummy... doing laundry is an air freshner for the outside of your home! :D Anything to keep my mind busy & not think "how much longer?" This running thing is turning out to be more of a mental thing for me than physical, it appears.


  1. Ooo sounds like the big test is going to be this Friday! You should take a picture of you in your vintage headband. :)

  2. I think you need to post a pic with your new bandana:) -hahah

  3. HA! i would also love to see a pic of the headband! i also think you should get some "vintage" leg warmers also, while you run!
