Thursday, May 7, 2009

{Vinegar + hair = ???}

I'm a huge fan of Pioneer Woman. That lady is so awesome, and I love her sense of humor, and her pictures, her love story of her & Marlboro Man, and her recipes... well, I just like Ree, period! She posted just recently about her hair, and how she used vinegar in her hair to get all the hard water crap/deposits out of her hair. {{singing "gotta wash those germs right outta our hair"... y'know, from that commercial back in the '80's?! I might have a word or two messed up, but you get the idea....}} Anyways, she figured since vinegar pretty much breaks down all deposits that hard water leaves, why not try it on our hair!! After all, I have tons of hard water here in Texas! Remember my post about my glasses?


So today, I tried it. I mixed equal portions of white vinegar & white, and after shampooing my hair, I rinsed with it. I didn't have any essential oil to add to make it smell good.... and do I smell, or what?!

Yes, I DO! I smell like PICKLES!

I was supposed to meet Mike today for lunch, but then he called to say his assistant was joining us, along w/ his wife. Great, now they're all gonna be wondering why I ::sniff:: smell. Like pickles. Driving with all the windows down on the interstate going 70 hoping the smell would blow away didn't help. ::darn::

But, it DOES feel softer! Let's hope for shinier too! ::tossing hair::

While I was on the roll to beautify myself today, I went to a new nail salon. They got me in right away for a spa pedicure. Oh my heavens! It was SO nice! They did so much more to my feet & legs than any other place that I've been to, and all for only $25!! Course, I have to wonder why I can never understand what they're saying to me when they're talking. ::rolling eyes:: I worry sometimes nodding my head is going to get me into trouble someday and I'll be agreeing to something that involves more $$. But the little piggies on my feet look so purdy! I'll defintely go back!


  1. We have hard water too and I hate it...but not enough to fork out the cash for a water softener! I'm jealous of your pedi!

  2. I have never heard of Pioneer Woman. Does she have a book or show?

  3. I've never heard of pioneer woman either. But that is a good idea. It didn't make your hair feel course? I am in need of a pedi too-it will be a while though:(

  4. I love that blog, and I have somewhat hard water, but I don't need a softener at all. Still, I tried that trick, and my hair feels softer and shinier. I happen to have some lavender essential oil on hand, so I'm able to use that without smelling like pickles.

  5. Grandma O'dell use to rinse our hair with vinegar when we would stay over. She said it made it shine! I just remember how my scalp would tingle (I think I was maddie's age). I can't believe you got a pedi without me, I thought we had a pack to only do them together :o)

  6. When I use egg whites on my hair (to make it scrunchy) I put a little vanilla in it so I don't smell like eggs, Maybe that would help with the pickle smell??

    And do share your new pedi location, I'm in need of a good scrubin' and paintin'

    PS it was great to have Mike there at the temple last night, thanks!

  7. I bet you look (and smell - - hee hee) FAB!!! Don't you love the feeling after a fresh pedi? I don't get them often, but I love it when I do. I'm going to try the vinegar trick (LOVE Ree) - - our water is the worst in LV. Also, CONGRATS on running 15 minutes! This is BIG! I remember when I finally was able to do that and it felt like I'd reached a huge milestone...good for you, Amy!!

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