Saturday, June 27, 2009

{birthday blessings}

I celebrated the 5th anniversary of my 29th birthday last week.
It was lovely.

One of the highlights of my birthday was this cake.

oooooh, this cake. It's DIVINE! It's TO.DIE.FOR!!
It's a four layers chocolatey goddess with chunks of chocolate pieces throughout the cake, topped off with an orange/chocolate frosting.
My friend Leisa made it for me. She's so awesome. I wanna be like her when I grow up.

OK, enough about this cake.
When I got home from work, the girls met me at the door with homemade cards. I love homemade cards! I read them out loud. Maddie's was:

Allways be your dater, Love Madison

I pronounced it as "date-r". She giggled and said "NOOO Momma! DAUGHTER!"
Mike & the girls took me out to Olive Garden for my birthday. They begged Daddy to let the waitress sing to me for my birthday... so he ordered me my favorite dessert there. YUMM! Embarrassingly, I had to wear a hair net.
Not sure why though... and I refuse to post the picture Katie took of me!
Then later that night, my friends Mandi & Shauna surprised me (LOVE surprises!) and showed up at my door and whisked me away for a quick girls' night out for yummy ice cream!
I have big plans for the money I got from family! I'm going to buy me a sweet lens....
an EF 50 mm/1.8 II lens.

Can't wait! Now my "bokah" will be awesome for portraits!


  1. Looks like you had a pretty awesome birthday! That cake looks really good. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, that cake looks so beautiful and yummy at the same time!!! It sounds like you had a great birthday!

  3. oh that cake looks so GOOD!! :)

  4. It sounds like you had a great birthday! I wish we could have been there, especially for the cake. Now I can tease you about being 9 months older :o)

  5. 5th anniversary of your 29th-- I love it!! Sounds like an awesome birthday! I covet that cake...mmmmmm....

  6. Happy Birthday! man, that cake... drooling!!!!

  7. Ok-- that cake looks sooooo goood. I have something for your b-day I just haven't had a chance to hit the post office. (I never have a car here). Plus Ben just hooked up wireless so that we can get on the internet anywhere instead of me dragging 2 girls up 2 flts of stairs to get on the internet. I swear I've only checked my e-mail 2 times since I got here.
