My Miss Maddie Rose turns a double digit age today!!

That little spark she has in her eyes and her smile

Here she is at four.....
and six years later she is 10.

Here are my top 10 reasons why my Maddie Rose is special:
1) She has a very contagious laughter -- everyone laughs when she laughs.
2) She takes care of others -- helping all the time and putting others before her needs.
3) She always strives to do what is right.
4) She loves to bake! I love people who bake!
5) She's a snuggle bunny and loves to lay with me on the couch.
6) She is an awesome dancer on Just Dance 2.
7) She is stubborn as a mule. That just means that she firmly stands for what she believes in.
8) She has the funniest sense of humor! Many times a laugh erupts from something this little girl says!
9) She has the sweetest spirit.
10) Maddie always jumps in and helps out at any time -- when asked. :)
Happy Birthday sweetie!
Mommy loves you!
(yes, she reads my blog....)
Happy Birthday Miss Maddie .
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Madison. Did she get the package yet? Happy Thanksgiving!!!!