Friday, September 12, 2008

{Home Pics & an amazing find!}

After a few emails sent to me requesting pictures of my house... I wanted to wait until I had it semi-decorated before I took pictures. :) I can't quite capture all of one room in a single picture, which is why there are several pictures of each room.... I love the house. Kind of not really liking all the tile though (hurts the feet!) throughout the house.

::sigh:: I love my big clock

The girls are still decorating their room, but I did decorate their bathroom a theme sort of like Paris. (Yes Jenni ... still need to get a picture for that frame! The candle is on the other side of the sink!)

The Kitchen

My "office"

Found that awesome 2 tier holder for fruit (or whatever you wish) at Target for only $13.00!! Score!

We are TOTALLY loving our patio furniture. Once the bugs die down a bit, we'll eat outside more often, but for now, we're enjoying drinking our lemonade outside!

Need something on that wall over the couch....

I should wait on these pics for another blog post, but I saw these today at Target (my favorite store)... and thought these were SO dang cute! I am already thinking of Christmas gifts in these! I'm thinking .... brown sugar scrubs?! Anyways, they're so cute for just about anything, so check out your Target clearance to see if they have any left!


  1. Amy, your house is really cute. I love it. I really love the girls bathroom (so cute and fun). Looks like you guys are all settled in. Are you doing anything exciting for Mikes B day?

  2. The house looks great! You go with your bad decoratin' self! Lol. :D

  3. Wow Amy! You have been so busy! How'd you get it all together so fast???? I love what you've done with the place, it looks super cute!! The bathroom looks awesome! I could send you a picture of myself for the frame if you want :) haha. Or better yet, one of OWEN! (who still isn't walking btw)

  4. Super cute house, and I LOVE the jars!

  5. Your house is adorable, I can't wait to see it when we come out in October!
