Wednesday, September 10, 2008

{Hungry for cake?}

I saw this on a message board I frequent, and I tried it out yesterday for an after school snack for the girls, and it was WELL received!

Know those Warm Delights by Betty Crocker? Those tiny little bowls of cake mix that you add water too, and put it in the microwave? But they're SO costly? Well, here's a fast way to make something similar, w/o breaking the bank or even breaking your diet (if you stick to one!)

Take a cake mix, and dip out 1/4 c of the cake mix. Put it in a bowl, and add 2 T of water. If you want to add some chocolate chips or syrup (caramel, chocolate, etc), go ahead. Mix it all up (or pour the syrup on top), and microwave it for one minute.

VERY easy, and goes well with a glass of milk!


  1. You are so crafty in the kitchen. I like all of your little tips (I'll have to remember them for P-lady).

  2. Nice new layout! Love it! I'll have to try that cake, it looks sinful...
