Tuesday, November 4, 2008

{More Maddie~isms}

While scanning through the TV for something to watch, I settled on Oprah the other day. The blind opera singer Andrea Boccelli was singing, and Katie and I were listening to him. Maddie comes in, and gives him a weird look (not sure why... she DOES love classical music). I told her he was blind, and did she understand what blind was? This was her reply (it was priceless):

Maddie: "Yep, it means the person can't see out of their eyes".
Me: "that's right! Do you know what it means when a person is deaf?" She should know this b/c I'M deaf.
Maddie: "Yep... it means the person can't talk and they talk with their hands instead."

Almost darling.... almost.

Exercise is going great. Been going strong every day now, doing at least 45 minutes to an hour of cardio, and weights are 2x a week only. I feel so much better!

Tonight I'm going to a "Pass the Plate" group that is put on by the Relief Society at church. The theme tonight is Rhodes bread, so I have to make something with that and take it. I was going to do a pizza, but I just decided to do cinnamon rolls instead.

The girls have a dance competition this Saturday in Salado, TX. Salado is about 45 minutes to an hour north of Austin. Katie is UBER excited about this, Maddie is dreading it, and refusing to dance. Papa & Grandma K bought them some mats at Sam's, so dancing will be a little easier on their feet & joints. They've been putting them to good use lately. On another side note, I did find a Highland Dance teacher here in San Antonio who teaches once a month, and even a GREAT piece of news, is that she's right down the road from us! Sad news, is that she isn't FUSTA certified any longer, so the girls will unable to compete unless we travel to Austin for lessons from a certified teacher. Katie is very bummed about that, Maddie is ecstatic.

Mike and I also have to give a talk this Sunday. VERY sad about that! It's on the Beatitudes. I need stories! Help!


  1. way to go with your work out gir.l YOU will be so buff before you KNOW :)

    Good luck with your talk.

  2. Maddie is sooo funny! I'm glad you guys get to travel with the girls activities. It makes life more fun. Youll have to let us know how they did. Keep up the good work on the workouts! And yes, you should visit Hawaii while we are here!!!! Free place to stay and a free tour guide:)

  3. That's great that you found a teacher. Is she willing to become certified?

  4. Amy, did I mention I am proud of you for your detemination at the gym?!!

    Yay on finding a Highland Dance teacher!!
    Yay for dance competitions!!

    Boo. Obama won.

  5. Amy keep up the good work. I'm sure you are already seeing and feeling the results of working out.

    Good luck to the girls on Saturday. Let me know the results. I am sure they will take


  6. Ha, I love kids explanations of things. :) How do you make your cinn. rolls? I have a recipe but it has so much butter in it! Oh, and that salad below looks divine, Amy!

  7. Hey, the refurbished ipods are still going strong! Plus, the kids didn't know the difference!

  8. Oh, I'm so impressed with your workouts! And hooray for dance teachers! I'm with Carey, that salad looks yummy.
