Sunday, November 2, 2008

{My new favorite salad}

My favorite salad in this entire world.... I tried this at my friend Mandi's house a few weeks ago, and mentioned in my last 2 posts that I would upload the picture and recipe for it.
Add lettuce (the above was butter lettuce, which I'm not sure what that is, but I guess any kind of nice green lettuce will work), slice up some strawberries. We had bought the small mozzarella balls and sliced those up, but I think those mozzarella sticks will work good too. Then, crush up some candied pecans (we loved the glazed Pecan Pie flavored Pecans). Add those three ingredients to the lettuce.
Then, mix up these ingredients for the poppy seed dressing:
1/3 c red wine vinegar
1 tsp yellow mustard
3/4 c oil
1/3 c sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp poppy seeds
Normally, one would add 1 tsp finely chopped red onion, but I had forgotten it, and it was still delicious! I did not pour all of the dressing over it, maybe about 1/4 cup. I saved the rest in one of my new "oh so cute" mason jars that I am meaning to save for my brown sugar scrubs (still need to get on that!). I have managed to make this salad a few more times, and every time I eat it, I just am "mmmmm-ing" all over again!
{family: our DSL connection will be here on Wednesday, so I will be able to upload Halloween pictures soon! Stay tuned!}


  1. Working out, eating salad! Girl, you are just on a health kick-- hahah, whats mike think? I can't picture him as a salad eater:)

  2. I'm always up for new salads. This one sounds good!!

  3. I also love this salad, but my recipe calls for feta cheese. I also use candied almonds sometimes (depends on what I have on hand). Salads Rule!

  4. That looks so yummy. Gonna have to try it out.

  5. way to go for working out. I really enjoy going to the gym. It is my "ME time" I try to go 5 days a week.

    You rock girl:)
