Saturday, April 4, 2009

{death by chocolate}

A friend of mine (Mandi) recently celebrated her birthday a few weeks ago. Another friend baked one of the most divine cakes I've ever tasted in my life. She said "you have to try this cake!" So I did, and fell in LOVE! I asked Mandi if she had the recipe, and said she didn't. So.... I did what any brave woman would do when they just HAVE to have a certain recipe. I asked our other friend if I could WATCH her make the cake the next time she made it. Yep, I was too chicken to flat out ask her for the recipe.

So, we made a date, and I learned.

I learned SOOO many amazing tips! I'm so glad I learned how to make this recipe, not to mention all the tips I picked up from my friend Leisa!

So.... jealous that I have this huge cake sitting on my kitchen ledge?

You should be. It's to DIE for!! It is SO incredibly rich. For a chocolaholic like myself, I can't even get through a thin slice of this cake!! It takes me a good 15 minutes!

I think I'm going to start a food blog of all my recipes, and I'm going to post this recipe over there. {{whenever I find the time to start it....}} THAT way, in case of fire or disaster, my recipes will always have a place and I will be able to get to them anytime, anywhere. Stay tuned for when that happens....


  1. OH my gosh!! That is such a beautiful cake!

  2. GAAAA!! That looks sooooooo good. My mouth is watering as I type. Anyway to airmail me a slice??/:)

  3. no recipe?! you're teasing us???? come on, what's in it girl? not that i should be eating it, but still!

  4. Oh I will help you finish this off if you need me too. Leisa's cake is divine!! Did it have a hint of orange in it? And aren't those curls spectacular. I am jealous you learned to make it, I've only eaten it. (not that I am complaining it was too yummy) :)

    PS It was great visiting tonight!

  5. you are a tease! by the way, great job on the c25k!!!!

  6. I Amy, this is Diane from New York. I saw your post on Seriously so Blessed and of course to Die for Choclate Cake caught my The cake looks yummy and would sure love the recipe. I would love to come watch you make it and learn that way but that would be a long trip :-) Please share the recipe.

    P.S. I am a mother of five and the kids plus hubby would love it!!!


  7. Please send me an email when you post that recipe. It looks awesome!
