Monday, April 6, 2009

{Week 2, Run #1 C25K}

It's kind of chilly out today, so I put off running until after lunch. Immediately my left shin/leg started bothering me. I need some new shoes, I think.

I started running after walking for 5 minutes. The plan this week is walk briskly for 5 minutes, then run for 90 seconds, walk for 2 minutes. Do this alternatively for 20 minutes. Last week I was able to run/walk for 30 minutes, but today I did the bare minimum. I was freezing from the cold wind, not to mention that my left leg was hurting. So, I did I think about 24 minutes of running/walking, then went home.

I'm doing better running in general. Working on my breathing (that's so hard!). Still need to get a stopwatch (who wants to pay $15?! what happened to the cheapy ones?).

For the rest of my friends... I am going to type up the death by chocolate recipe, so you can email me at amybeccaz {at} hotmail {dot} com and I'll forward it on to you. I still need a creative name for my food blog. Got any ideas?!

Also, getting ready to do a small giveaway, so stay tuned for that in a few days as well!!


  1. good job on running. Just take your time and before you KNOW it you will be running a few miles.
    So sorry about your leg, make sure you do some good leg stretches before you run.

  2. I definitely think it's your shoes. Dan and I have the same problems when our shoes are older or they are the wrong type of shoe for our feet. You might want to go into a running store and they can test you and tell you what types are best for you. Then you can find a deal somewhere else :o)
