But, it's time to get back in gear with this blog and update on our cabin life!
We went to the cabin this past weekend .... and we (remember, I use the term "we" very loosely here) managed to finish the ceiling of the cabin, and start the framing of our deck!
I say "we", and I do have to admit, my girls are either lying on the bed watching season 3 of Duck Dynasty that I picked up for $9.96 at Walmart .... or they're riding the four wheelers outside... or they're eating.
I (emphasize I), hold a board here and there for Mike. I did do something important!
So we get to the cabin, and lo and behold as soon as I take my shoes off in the cabin, my foot hits one of those cockleburs. OWW! They're all over the place. They're hanging on our pants, on our shoelaces, on our tennis shoes. They're even UNDER our shoes. So our shoes are back on our feet for good in the cabin.. unless you want some type of needle inserted in your foot?

I go outside and I find these wicked plants. I had always wondered what they look like on a plant. Now I know!

While Mike is busy getting the front part of the deck ready the girls are out four wheeling. I put the sprinklers on to keep the dust down to a minimum. It gets REALLY dusty around here when they ride their four wheelers!

Here is Mike getting ready to add the mesh to the cover the openings.. so wildlife (aka raccoons, possums, etc) won't get in. I have to say that I did do my part here.. Katie drove us to Lowe's (we lived), I bought the mesh, Katie drove us back, I spray painted it, and I cut it. Let the record be known that one should ALWAYS wear gloves when cutting this mesh up. Let's say I was bleeding in a few places on my hands. Owww...

After Mike starts to hear the thunder start to roll in, I hurry off to my photo shoot, which takes place exactly across the street from our cabin! Our friend has his girls in for the weekend, and had some great ideas -- so I was game! I think it all turned out really well!

On our last day at the cabin, Mike set about to finish putting up the ceiling in the cabin. It took a few hours (and my part on helping him hold the boards, and handing the boards up to him... see, I do important work!) -- but we can say the ceiling is 99% done! I think he did a BEAUTIFUL job!

A few months ago (or rather, earlier this year), Mike put up two beams at the top of the loft. It is very scratchy... and I have had several splinters come from this already! He also built a ladder, since ours was stolen from one of the three robberies we had. However, he might have spaced them a *little* too far apart. It's like rock climbing to the loft.

By the time we left, this is what our cabin looks like so far... our doors and windows are boarded up to prevent future robberies, our deck is slowly being framed in, and all is well on the eastern Texas front.

The girls took one last time around on the ATV's ....