Katie did very well on her play that she had -- she was so nervous before it started, but she did great! Danan Hughes was her "Grandma" and when he came onstage, she tripped going backwards, and fell. Ha ha She said later she didn't realize he was so ... tall! She loves to act ... definitely a drama queen. :D Sorry for the fuzzy pictures .. I can't zoom in to take a picture, so when I crop it all off, it becomes fuzzy. GRR!!

Maddie had her first field trip as a Kindergartner last week. However, it came on a day it was supposed to rain, and they can't cancel. So off we go, and it's sprinkling. We go into a huge barn and learn all about the different kinds of pumpkins, etc. There's the Baby Boo pumpkin, the Cinderella pumpkin, and some other weird, odd names for pumpkins. Then we go to the animals, and pet them, then off to the tractor for a hay ride where the kids will pick up their pumpkin. However, there was a HUGE dark cloud coming, and I just knew it was full of rain and lightning, and it was. We were stuck in this circus tent for about 20 minutes while the teachers and pumpkin patch people decide what to do. Pouring down rain ... you should have seen these kids faces when we said we were going back. So so sad!! So we get to the entrance, and our bus is still not in line to pick us up. So I had to walk out to get her, in the pouring rain w/ my umbrella. She was taking a freaking NAP! Earlier she was smoking in the bus (had to take something back to the bus after we got off). not good! by the time we get back to the school, we're all soaked to the bone, literally.

I'm really surprised at the math Katie is learning in school -=- about medians. I don't remember learning about that until much later. Katie's teacher told me she herself was surprised at how much sooner kids are learning the harder things. She also said most of the time, the kids aren't ready, but it's how the schools are anymore. How scary! Katie's already had two field trips, one to the middle school (Science Center is there), and the other to Burr Oaks. Katie said she had the best day of her life there. I guess she was picked to be the assistant and help her out. She also touched a snake. On the nature walk they saw a baby snake, chipmunks (whoever sees those anymore?), squirrels, doe, and two turkeys. She was in heaven.
Madison has been learning about Ms. V & Ms. P, and the sounds they make. She's a very smart cookie, and she definitely remembers everything that's said even if she doesn't "appear" to be listening. So, watch out next time you say something and you don't think she's listening. She's very tricky. :D Trust me on this!

Most of you know we have a Mexican restaurant we love to go to: Lucia's. Well last week we went to eat dinner there, and Lucia (the owner) asked if the girls could go shopping w/ her. We were surprised (who asks OUR kids to go shopping? I don't even want to take them shopping!), and said OK. Three hours later she brings them home, and she's spoiled them rotten: each got an expensive Halloween costume, a toy they want (Maddie gets Baby Alive, aka Chucky's girlfriend), Katie picks out a shopping cart and a play microwave (I know, surprised me too), and then play shoes for Maddie & slippers for Maddie, oh, and ice cream at McDonald's and candy too. Spoiled them rotten ... for sure!

Baby Joshua & Maddie ...