The newest addition to the Keesee clan has arrived -- and the girls have been so ECSTATIC over baby Joshua! This past weekend we have enjoyed time with Grandma Dee (darn ... I forgot to get pictures Monday night of them w/ her!), and of course holding the baby. Joshua always seems to find a good place to snuggle w/ Madison.

Saturday night Mike got out the softballs & softball gloves w/ the girls, and we taught them how to throw a softball & catch. Katie is an all natural athlete ... we will probably have to add "needs to try softball" to her list of sports she can play naturally like an athlete. Maddie did really well throwing & catching as well! We were pleasantly surprised at how well throwing came naturally to them. Course, watch out when Katie throws... she throws a mean pitch. :D
The first weeks of school has now passed, and the girls are settling into a schedule at school. Maddie loves her Kindergarten teacher. There are 16 boys and 6 girls in her class. Every day the first week I kept asking her if she met any new friends. She said "nope". Finally the second week of school she happily exclaimed she met a friend -- but she only spoke Spanish. Ha ha Ha Can you imagine their conversations? Maddie only really knows the numbers in spanish. Madison also had a hard time at lunch. I guess they have assigned seats during lunch time, and she doesn't get to sit next to her friends. She sits next to a boy that she apparently isn't very fond of.
Katie is doing great in school as well. She has the same teacher as last year (her teacher moved up a grade). She is also starting Harry Potter for her reading. She loves school -- so I'm thrilled that getting them going for school isn't a big problem. She's already had her first spelling test of the school year -- and she really excells in spelling. VERY smart in spelling.
Mike took the girls swimming Saturday morning. It was with the young men's activity, so the girls were very left out when it came to having someone to swim with them. Katie said "it was ALL boys ... ick". Just wait a few years darling ... :) Boys won't be so "ick". :D
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