Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
.... it's great to have friends

Friendship runs deep.... way deep.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
....pioneer days
- snow cones
- kettle corn
- pony rides
- moon bounce
- cotton candy
- sack race
- spin the apple ride
- hot dogs & hamburgers @ 9 a.m.
- fish for candy
Loved spending time with my friends & taking pictures of their little ones.
Loved taking pictures of my little gals.
But seriously.... hot dogs & hamburgers at 9 a.m.?!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
{Fiesta Texas}

After the Big Red Car ride, and some airplane ride, Maddie came and sat with me to wait for the show to start. When it started.... the four awesome characters came out and sang a few favorites. I was so happy to see another mom making a fool out of herself and doing the hand gestures to "Hot Potato" and "Romp-Bomp-A-Stomp". I might just have to have another baby just to get a chance to listen to the Wiggles again.... then again, I do have all these nieces & nephews..... I'll make them listen to them over & over & over again when I see them.
Aunt Amy will be so cool. {{probably not... but I can hope!}}

THEN came the highlight of our day...
THIS is what set off of event of what was to happen

Yep, who would've thought this little ride would make Katie do the unthinkable? I mean, when you see some kid puke, do you think "oh gross!" or "wow, so glad I'm not his mom! that would be so embarrassing!" Well, I was that mom. All 4 girls go on this ride twice, in a row. Katie closed her eyes toward the end. Irene & I weren't sure if Katie was enjoying the ride or getting sick. She got off, and immediately said "I need to sit down". So we sat. Then we walked to the next ride. She was a little red. OK, VERY red. I started to push the pop on her (bought the $12.99 cheap container so we could get unlimited pop that day. Irene had a $3 off coupons, so we were "popped" out by evening). We had already ran out of water like 30 minutes after we got to the park! Then Vanessa started to get dizzy & sick. Finally at the end of waiting for this ride, Katie sits down on the ground and says
"I'm going to puke"
Ohhhhhh great.
So I walk her & her friend to the exit area, started up the steps, hear something, turn around, and Katie pukes all over the place. Ugh. Granted, it's just liquid. I grab her and run for the grass, to which the girl who worked there said "you can't go there" and I turned and said "OK, can she puke right in front of you then.. is that where you want her to puke?" OK, I may have been a little rude, but geez girl! Give a mom a break!
We ended up leaving the park and heading to the fast food restaurant for lunch & to sit in the A/C for a few hours. OK, we fit in a trip to Nordstrom Rack too... and a sporting goods store b/c it was raining & lightning. After 2 hours in the AC (and the big girls were feeling MUCH better after food & cooling off), we were good to go back. Good thing we went back too, b/c everyone was leaving! We had faster access to the rides.

Frantic & holding on for dear life.

So, long story short... {OK, not really short} we had a great time. Maddie rode on her favorite log ride at the end, & we did a few more rides involving speed that I'm surprised Maddie went on, and enjoyed. I don't really see myself as a season ticket holder to anything amusement park... unless Maddie eventually grows out of this fear. Bummer. I really like roller coasters.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
{my 1st photoshoot + tressa}

Friday, July 10, 2009
{bangs... and a new lens}

Next time, I won't tilt so.... far.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
{love comes softly}

Then, we saw the advertisement for more movies like this one that was running ALL day Saturday. So, I DVR'd all the movies. All 7 of them! Sadly, we missed the very first movie.
What movies am I talking about? Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly series. My mom brought me some of these books home from the library to read when I was a teenager, and I read a few, but then I think I grew tired of them.... can't remember why I didn't finish them? Maybe b/c it was such a huge series? I dunno.....
Every night this week, we've managed to watch one movie (one night we watched two). I'm kind of sad now that I deleted them after we watched them. This is in order the movies we watched (OK, it's not in order... I can't remember which was first, next, etc):
Yes, they were cheesy. Yes, we noticed they started using the same houses & small pioneer towns for the backdrops of the movies (which are supposed to take place all over the US). Katie & I laughed & giggled as the dashing young man came into sight, to catch the sight of the beautiful young girl...... and long story short, there was always a marriage at the end of each movie. But, all in all, great story lines, great romance (OK, cheesy romances), and I wished they would quit changing all the actresses with each movie! AUGH! Not to mention our lingering questions "what happened to Jeff? Where's Cookie? Why is Belinda wearing a blonde wig? She was a dark brunette with a cute smile! Why is she SOOO cross? and mean?" Were any of the old pioneer men good looking like they were on the movies? 'Cuz they sure don't look good looking in those old time photos we see in everyone's picture albums of their relatives who don't smile. They look cross. Mean.
Just a few things we were thinking out loud while watching....
Tonight we finished the last movie. Katie laughed b/c it has Hayley Duff in it. She thought that was way cool! What made us laugh even harder, was at the end of the movie, the production was SOO cheap, the father of the new baby walked away, proudly showing off his doll. NOT a real baby! Oh, that was hilarious.
I casually mentioned to Katie if she liked those movies (she's really loving the pioneer stuff lately), then Little House on the Prairie might be cool to watch. She said, "Oh... uhmmm... no thanks".
Saturday, July 4, 2009
{Happy 4th of July America}