A few weeks ago Mom Nelson treated Marcie, Madison, Presley & I to a trip to Missouri Town! Missouri Town is basically a piece of ground, with houses and buildings from the 1800's placed around this ground to look like a little town, so we can get a feel for what the 1800's might have been like. We truly thought this was actually the real houses left over, but it wasn't. These buildings have been disassembled & moved to Lake Jacomo and one can walk through. It is quite a neat thing to see, and definitely a picturesque place to go for great pictures! I've been here several times growing up, and it was a treat to be there with Madison. Here are some pictures of our day there.

Mother's Day was a great day ~ it was the most perfect day, in my opinion. The girls and I didn't fight that morning before church (we fight ALL the time before church, hmm... wonder why?), we got CHOCOLATES for our little Mother's Day gift at church (how perfect is that?!), I got roses the night before from Mike, little cards from the girls, and Katie's Activity Girls group chose pendants and the backgrounds of the pendants for our Mother's Day gift (a lady in our ward makes them for a living/hobby). I've always wanted a pendant like this, and it has my initials in it. You can see the pendant on me when I'm holding my nephew Joshua. LOVE IT!

For Mother's Day, we went to my brother's home. Dad made steaks for everyone, and I made homemade ice cream for dessert. Kasey (my cousin) brought her boyfriend, Tyler, whom Katie has outspoken and said "man, he's cute!". I have a picture of me with my nephew Joshua, who is the cutest little spud. I put my sunglasses on him, and for 5 minutes he didn't do a thing. Then he started grabbing them to pull them off. I have a picture of Dad sitting at the table... patiently waiting for everyone to come and eat. Ha ha... too funny Dad! Mom and Dad gave me a beautiful cutting board that matches my kitchen. Rachel & Mike gave me a picture of Joshua in a CUTE frame!
Mike & Joshua

Dad is patiently waiting for everyone to come to the table...
Kasey's boyfriend... Tyler

The picture of the family is at Fiana T.'s baptism. We love this family to death... great friends of ours. Course, I was sad I didn't get my own lei of candy. :( Bummer....
Then, onto the gifts I made for Mother's Day... I made appliques for aprons! I can finally post the pictures now that everyone has received their gifts!! It was remarkably easy, once I figured out what I was doing.
There are three designs of material I used, I can't find my third design. Oh well...

And just a cute picture of Katie...