Tuesday, March 31, 2009
{Day One of C25K}

Monday, March 30, 2009
{Modge Podge}
Then, Mike ordered himself a new truck. His old truck was slowly dying at 146,000 miles. He got it in on Saturday. He's loving it (so am I!).
This is one of the few times she did kick the ball...
Madison complained the entire game that she wanted an ice cream bar. I quote her: "EVERYONE has one Mom!" Yeah, for someone who made an entire turkey sandwich before we left, and only ate one bite and said "I'm not hungry".... she's not getting an ice cream bar! Instead, she drank the majority of the water the entire game.
Friday, March 27, 2009
{It's been 12 years....}
Thursday, March 26, 2009
{Reading Restaurant}
Poor Mike, always the subject of my picture taking when there isn't a kid in sight..... let's work on a smile next time, sweetie!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am not ashamed of that. At.All.
Yes, Mike watched it with me Saturday night. He lived. And semi-liked it. But he thought it was weird. Whatever.
Yes, my girls watched it with us halfway before we chased them to bed. Yes, Madison woke up early Sunday morning and tried to finish it before church. Yes, I threatened her if she didn't wear the outfit of my choice she wouldn't be able to finish Twilight (and yes, I'm a mean mom). and Yes, they did watch Twilight twice Sunday afternoon.
Yes, my girls laughed out LOUD when they saw Edward sleeping in the hospital bed.... "MOM! Edward is asleep and he said HE DOESN'T SLEEP... EVER!"
and Yes.... Katie turned her Teen Bop magazine poster (thanks Aunt Marcie!) to display Rob Pattinson as Edward (instead of the Jonas Brothers) on her wall. Whew! Eye candy for me!
She is bitten...... (but Maddie thinks he's Uhhhhgly!)
Monday, March 23, 2009
{Day 5 and to the end}
OK.... Wednesday rolls around on our trip. In Kansas City, Quik Trip (a gas station) makes the most phenomenal long johns (donut). It is one of the requested foods that Madison wanted to eat. (That & whalcomale {which is how Maddie spells it}..."guacamole"). My dad gets up and grabs some of these delicious super long donuts. YUMMY!
Wednesday is the day that my best friends are coming to visit! My best friend for over 20 some years, Jennifer, came over w/ her 2 kids. She's expecting a third any day now. We hung out for about 7 hours, taking in a trip to Costco and just visiting. We had so much fun catching up. I really miss her now......
this is her other baby... she'll kill me for even posting this, but I think I'm safe b/c she doesn't even read my blog. :P
this is only 1/3 of the yard!!
Wednesday night rolls around, and my other close friend Jenni (it was a day of Jennifers!) came to visit. She brought along her little sidekick: Owen. Owen & I have this relationship. He totally loves me, and I totally love him. We were buddies last summer, and I sorely missed him! So, they arrive, and she comes w/ Owen & her two girls: Alli & Reese, who the girls played w/ all summer last year before our move to Texas. Owen wasn't sure about me, but it didn't take long for him to open up and RECOGNIZE ME!! Yayyyy! My nephew is also visiting to let his parents enjoy a date night, so you would think these two little boys who are only a month apart would hit it off? No...... Owen only wanted ME! (and Jenni.... I'm not posting a pic of us! I promised!)
Following the Wiz of Oz exhibit, we went to Hallmark to shop. I didn't find much to buy.... everyone else did though! After that, we went to eat at Chili's. At Chili's Joshua sat next to Madison. After eating I tried to get a cute picture of Madison holding Joshua. The first picture Madison is smiling really cute, and Joshua has this look on his face. Finally I said "Joshua, say CHEESE!", and he gave this amazing scrunchy face of a smile! It was HILARIOUS! He would only do it when he had a camera pointed at him!
Katie's new bike
Maddie's new bike
That night was a TV night as we watched our favorites: Grey's, Ugly Betty, etc.
Friday... can't remember much what we did on Friday. Oh.... we ran to Independence to drop Mike's truck off w/ him. He worked on his parent's property all week long installing & making a beautiful wrought iron gate for their property. They're building a house.
The girls kissing Joshua...
we did this last year when he was a little thing, and it was so cute.