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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Maddie's Poem "The Battle of the Alamo"


As everyone knows... we live in San Antonio.  Home of the Alamo.  So naturally, the schools teach a lot about the Alamo to the kids, and we take field trips to the Alamo!!!

Maddie is finishing up a section of history in her class, and had to write a poem on the Alamo.  (mistakes and all...)  Her teacher wrote:  "100! Nice poem!"  I thought it was pretty well written myself!  Way to go Maddie Lou!

The Battle of the Alamo
by Maddie N.

Here my cries
Here my thoughts
As I shout out to the people

While Santa Anna was riding, I was fighting
Soldeiers charging, running, shouting, rifles firing

While mothers are keeping their children safe, soldiers fight to the death

The Mexican had many soldiers and we were no match for them

While cannons were firing, pounding, smoke and the fire fill the air

When smoke cleared away, we saw soldiers everywhere on the ground

When we visit the Alamo, we get teary
But when we think about them, we remember how they fought

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