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Friday, February 24, 2012

New Beginnings ... it's a Princess Pageant!

Last night was New Beginnings for the Young Women in our ward. 
The theme for the evening was "Daughter of a King" -- and the room and everyone was dressed to perfection and beauty!  The girls all wore floor length dresses (most of them did), and all just looked beautiful.

There was a mock beauty pageant, in which several girls portrayed contestants who had different personalities (i.e. Katie was Miss Perfect 10 ... she took great pains in making sure her looks were perfect).  After they got done w/ their pageant, they came out in the "values" of the YW theme:  Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice & Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue.  All of these values the girls work on in the course of their YW years -- each value they learn something completely different but yet enriching to their lives.

Here is Katie as "Miss Perfect 10"


All the pageant girls after they get their value (Katie is Miss Knowledge)


"Prince Charming" was our bishop  :)  This is after Katie gets her little crown (all the girls get a sash and a crown, a scepter that has their name embroidered on a white hankerchief and a white rose)


Since Katie just turned 14, she is no longer a "Beehive" (the group for girls ages 12-13).  She used to be the Beehive President, and was just released a few weeks ago.  Here she announces the newcoming Beehives for the year. 


Afterwards, "Prince Charming" talks to the girls (all lined up on each side of the walkway) ... 

Finally they sing a song to us parents...


One of the moms & her daughter made this amazing cake for our refreshments!  It was incredibly beautiful and delicious!


When it was all over & done, the parents headed into a different room to look at the values the girls are working on.  This year Katie is working on Knowledge.  All the girls also wrote on each girls' page of things they love about them. Here is Katie's page:


Here is Katie & her BFF Madison...

and finally, here is Princess Katie.  :)


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful new beginnings.. Ours is tonight. I hope the pictures that i take tonight turns out. Your pictures were wonderful ..


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