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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

...our lips are sealed

Lately I've been listening to all of my old music, and a TON of Katie's music on my new iTouch.

However, I have to share a secret, and I've never known many parents to love, let alone... LIKE! their kids music! My parents were super cool, always listening to the cool stuff, but I do know a few parents out there who rolled their eyes at the music, or turned on the classical stuff. For the record, I was never into heavy metal, just the pop stuff. And Country never entered my ears until I was married to a cowboy {aka Mike}.

My secret is that... I love my kids' music! Gah! It's out! I love all those Kidz Rock with Disney CD's! I buy them at Justice when they're buy one get 2 free! Yes! Me! I could probably do without the Black Eye Peas group singing "Boom BOOM Pow" in my ear over and over again like it did this spring. I thought it was fun for a few weeks, but later on, once every 15 minutes was like... too much.

Enter this song in this YouTube video. I knew I heard it from SOMEWHERE.... but couldn't figure out where. Either way, I loved the song, and turned it up loud at work {in my headphones} so I could bop along with it. Then... I realized where it was from! The Go-Go's!! Loved that Belinda Carlisle! I'm suddenly feeling old if there are teens out there recreating all my '80's music. I mean, they even recreated the end scene of playing in the fountain!

Now check out the OLD version of "Our Lips Are Sealed" I personally think Belinda's necklace is way too Flintstones for me though.... I mean, are those dinosaur teeth? Shark teeth?

On my to do list: figure out iTunes and get those darn Kidz Bop 7 music off my iTouch.

.....i pity the fool who crosses her

Too many possible titles for this picture:
Death by cuteness
Take THIS .... sucker
Story on this picture later w/ more pictures
{what would you have titled this picture?}

Saturday, September 26, 2009

....blast from the past

My grandma has a big wooden trunk. It's full of so many wonderful, old, magical things. Like my aunt's first baby doll. My grandma's first baby doll. Pictures & newspaper clippings. Growing up, I used to love going through her trunk {I still do}, and she showed me all the things inside. One day that trunk will be mine {I hope}. It's magic... it really is. It's the one thing that I really love that's my grandma's. She stored all things that were important to her inside.
{well, at least I think she does}
For my graduation, my grandparents bought a hope chest, similar to theirs. I stuffed it full of things that I would someday take to my new home after I was married.
After I was married, it became my memory box, just like my grandma's. Sadly, the hinges broke off of it, and long story short, I no longer have my hope chest. :(
So, I made myself a new memory box. I limited myself to ONE (big) plastic box, full of my memories. I stuffed it full of all things of importance to me. Newspaper clippings of my days in Brownies & Girl Scouts, pictures of all my friends, boys that I thought were cute, old addresses, poems I had written, letters I received from friends, a tape that my mom made of me making noises when I was a baby. My first baby quilt, my own daughters' baby blessing outfit, and all my old corsages from the dances I went to.
I had been itching to go through it for awhile now. Today was the perfect day....and I had the perfect audience. My girls proved to me memory digging is in the blood. They had a blast laughing at pictures of me as a teenager, tried on my graduation cap & gown, laughed at my old glasses, laughed at all my old ... everything!
Everything truly brought back wonderful memories.

Several of my very best friends, doing what we do best....

Maddie trying out my cymbals my grandparents got for me from Egypt. I had to try it out for her. Too bad I don't know belly dancing. Now THAT would've been funny!

Laughing over my 16 year old "Olde Tyme" photos. Gosh, I had great legs then.

Ah, yes. Mark Hypko. I fell in LUST with Mark. He was from Germany.
I took German in 10th grade because I wanted to communicate with him.
He answered one letter to me, then nothing again. Bummer.

I really did like Mark. He was so cute.

Flash forward to what she's going to be doing in 10 years.
All my dried up corsages. Stuffed in a cedar box to protect them from what? Moths?

Don't hate. They WERE the hottest styles around at one time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

....what to have for lunch.. AGAIN?

Growing up, my mom made my lunch for school. She always made eating fun for my brother & I. We had sandwiches shaped like a boat.... little goodies in our lunchbox at school. I don't remember buying my lunch often, but I did take change sometimes in a film canister for chocolate milk. Oooh, love my chocolate milk!!

Fast forward 25 years later, and I'm making lunches for MY kids. However, I am tired of sending the same old thing to school for them! How much PB&J can one kid enjoy? Sure, I can mix it up here & there with cutout shapes of a heart on the sandwich, or putting coloring in the Miracle Whip on Valentine's Day or St Patrick's Day, or cheese 'n crackers. Sometimes I'm more bored than they are. I don't think they really pay much attention anyways when they're eating. I've eaten lunch w/ them at school, and I KNOW they barely touch their food. I mean, why eat when you have time to gab with your friends?

Well..... while in Dallas the weekend before school started, my sister in law Tiffany & I went to Target (on our own, I might add... NO kids!), and she told me about the lunch containers of Thermos. I had seen them before, in previous years, but who wants to spend $15.99 on a small thermos?? Not me! I'm too cheap! My kids can suffer eating PB&J! Tiff went on to tell me she saw tons of kids who have this Thermos, and wanted to buy my nephew one. I decided to splurge and buy one for Maddie.... a Barbie one. I knew Katie might not go for it, and I was right. It was "BARBIE"! I got the typical eye roll and "ugh.. MOM!" I wanted to see if she would even TAKE it to school. I mean, I don't know how much longer would taking a lunch even be "cool". Well, she loved it, so I went and bought the plain jane silver Thermos.

So, what do I send the girls now? I make the individual portions of Kraft's Mac 'n Cheese, and each Thermos holds one portion. I made soup this morning, and heated it up, and it was still hot by the time the girls ate it later this morning. I've heated up a hot dog, wrap up a bun and toss in a thing of ketchup and they've had hot dogs. Sometimes I'll cook a hot dog and slice it up and throw it in w/ the mac 'n cheese. I can add salad (still working on that one), fruit salad, and basically anything as long as you have it cold or hot before you put it in! It keeps it at its temperature for hours! I could probably do better at some of those choices calorie wise, but I know if I allow Katie to buy whatever she wants at the food court at school, she's going to blow money & tons of calories are going to settle on her hips.

Point is, they're not eating the same old thing every day. I cringed at the cost of paying for these things, but if I can keep my girls happy with different foods, then I can most definitely save money & calories of them eating @ the school cafeteria (HELLO! 750+ calories for a school lunch, if not more!). Maddie used to HATE taking her lunch, so this year I rolled my eyes, allowed her to buy HER favorite character's lunch box (iCarly).... I'm so against characters on my kids' stuff. Don't ask. Anyways, she hardly buys from school anymore! Saves me $10+ a week!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

....cowboys 'n cowgirls

Last night our church ward had a Round Up activity.
Pony rides, goats & rabbits to pet for the kids
Games, boot mugs & cowboy hats for the kids
Delicious food for all

I've decided that this family needs real cowboy gear.
Cowboy boots (pink for Maddie of course)
cowboy hats
I'm seriously kicking myself for not liking Mike's cowboy boots & hat when we dated.
I think I let it slip that I didn't like them.
So he threw them away.
I want my cowboy back!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

... when I was a kid, my dad.....

When I was a kid, my dad used to play on a softball team. I don't remember how often (2-3x a week?), I just remember ALWAYS going to the ballfields. In my memory, we practically lived at the ballfields, b/c that's all I really remember. We used to go to the ballfield right around the corner from where we lived growing up. They didn't have a cool playground. Or a cool concession stand. But, one thing my dad always did (or that I remember he did) was buy my brother & I some of this gum, ready for us to "chew" at the game.

I loved this gum. All of my dad's friends who played ball with him used the real stuff (and then hack & spit the brown crap out all over the ground.... EWW!). But, we used to grab a huge bunch of gum, and chew away. I think we tried to spit the sugar juice out like Big Al used to (or whoever it was that did it), but all it did was take the flavor out, and make a huge mess (and attract all the mosquitos).

Then my dad's team went to a new park... with an AWESOME playground, and the BEST concession stand. And I fell in love with these:

These were only five cents. And my dad ALWAYS had five cents on him (or my mom... I'm sure we pestered her too and she probably freely gave in to get us out of her hair... don't blame her!).... we'd run up to him while he was resting in the dugout, and with our faces pushed up against that diamond shaped fence, holding out our hands through the fence with a "can we have some money?".

Which brings me to why I'm blogging about candy & gum. I haven't seen these since I was a kid! However, just a few weeks ago, I found the gum, at a sports good store! Whoa! Brought back memories of playing in the playground, getting dirty, cheering my dad & his team on.... and going to the pizza place afterwards, eating pizza & drinking Shirley Temples or Roy Rogers drinks. It was THE life of a kid.

The suckers were another weird thing... I hadn't seen them until Katie was a few years old, at the local Ben Franklin's store. They sold all those old fashioned candy (remember cinnamon toothpicks? they had them! I used to make those!), but they increased it to a quarter. I bought a bunch b/c for my little kid eating them, they were pretty nice to clean up after a 2 year old instead of a regular DumDum sucker. But, I haven't seen then since, until August came, and my girls went to a birthday party at this pizza place, and THEY.HAD.THEM! Oh! The memories! I tried one, and WHAT WAS I THINKING? These things are SOUR! I don't remember them being sour!

What is YOUR favorite candy from when you were a kid that brings back memories? Are they the wax candy w/ the nasty liquid stuff in it? Cigarette candy? {wink}

Monday, September 14, 2009

....believe it!

Last week I blogged about a new author in which I have started to read, and have proclaimed to the world that day that I.LOVE.HER.BOOKS!

Here is my link in case you're clueless...

and guess what? Friday morning at work, I was a little bored, so I checked my blog to see if I had any new comments roll in, and you wouldn't believe that Sarah Strohmeyer, the author herself.... COMMENTED ON MY BLOG!

::gasp:: ::wheeze:: ::thud::

Here is a C&P of her comment:

Sarah Strohmeyer said...
Oh, wow! Thanks so much for the recommendation. But here's my Kevin Bacon relationship with Levar Burton....Levar Burton used to be on Star Trek. Star Trek used to star Jonathan Frakes who went to my high school (Liberty in Bethlehem, PA) and was on the debating team with my brother, Mark. Later, Jonathan married Genie Francis (from General Hospital when it was good) who was dating John Martinuzzi (a Casadine, remember?) while I was engaged to John's brother, Sam.

Pant ~ Pant. So it's all copacetic, see? Anyway, by now I'm sure your readers think I'm nuts. But I'll be happy to send out a free book, etc, out of thanks.

Also, Cinderella Pact's gonna be a Lifetime movie in February starring Poppy Montgomery. FYI.
Thanks again!


Now, how COOL was that? Yeah, totally cool! Anyways, while I'm talking some more about Sarah's books, I just got done reading The Sleeping Beauty Proposal

and wow.oh.wow... I loved it. Couldn't put it down. Have you read one of her books yet? Can't wait for her movie!! GirLs NigHt! Anyone?! anyone?!!

Oh, and I totally followed that Kevin Bacon story. I'm a General Hospital fan too (when it was good). I can brag that my grandma got me hooked on that show when I was in elementary school, and when I was sick & she kept me home from school ... she poisoned my brain with soaps all.day.long. What are grandma's for? She's awesome!

Friday, September 11, 2009

....to the zoo we go

my brother & his little family came to town to visit us over labor day weekend.
we decided to go to the zoo.
it was a very....very.... VERY hot & humid day
what were we THINKING?

my nephew joshua is only interested in the water.
had we known that, he could've had all the water he wanted for free in my backyard.

yep.... loves his water

and he got lots of smooches from aunt amy (mimi) too

we tried to get a new picture of the three cousins for papa & grandma
unfortunately, joshua never would either look at the camera or smile
so....we gave up

well... here's a smile! finally!

while cooling off in the africa area, i asked my brother
"why is there a rock in the middle of that pool? that's so stupid
::looking again::
oh.... look how they put a stick on that rock.
oh, that's not a stick on a rock?"

oh, that's a hippopotamus, you say?
i was looking at a butt this whole time?

me: "hey mike...let's grab a picture really quick.. a good one for mom & dad"

me: "umm... yeah, let's do this again"

like how you can see every single pore & mole on our face?
oh photoshop! where art thou?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

...new favorite author

I have found a new author.... whom I LOVE!!

I won the drawing of the newest book by Sarah Strohmeyer called The Penny Pinchers Club on Sweet Life in the Valley a few months ago, and finally had a chance to read it a few weekends ago. Sadly, I read it during my trip to my sister in law Tiffany's house... and couldn't put it down the entire weekend. ::blushing:: Sorry Tiff. Reading the book was way more interesting than watching the guys switch the fridge doors. ::giggling::

I requested some more books by this author Sarah Strohmeyer. I read The Cinderella Pact this last weekend. It was FAB! {there's some British words in there...} She's hilarious .... easy to read .... and says what everyone else is thinking, but doesn't ever say out loud!

I have a few more of her books to dive into, and I.Can't.WAIT!

So, if you want a good read by a great author, try one of these two books out.

Oh, and b/c I'm talking about books... I'm sad to say that I found out that Reading Rainbow, a show that I LOVED when I was a kid... is done. Finished.... I am going to miss that song... & Levar Burton.

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high
Take a look, it's in a book - Reading Rainbow.

I can go anywhere!
Friends to know and ways to grow - Reading Rainbow.

I can be anything!
Take a look, it's in a book - Reading Rainbow.

In the words of Levar Burton about The Penny Pincher's Club...

"but....you don't have to take MY word for it!"

Read it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


this morning i had a photoshoot of this beautiful baby boy
he was so amazing
so calm
and i fell in love with him
he's already into elvis impersonations!

you can still see his owie from getting blood drawn! :(
thanks melissa & matt for the opportunity!
your miracle is just perfect!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

....what happens when you drink a gallon of water?


You pee a lot. And I mean... A LOT!

My friend Mandi is awesome.... I love her to death. She's a major inspiration to me in her lifestyle of being healthy & active (and other areas too...). She worked hard to earn her physical fitness trainer certificate last fall... and she's an awesome trainer. She used to be a Kindergarten teacher and tipped the scales at 180 pounds, and now is a lean, mean... fighting momma machine!

Coincidentally... she has a great blog too about eating healthy... why eating flax seed is important... why drinking water is great.... and how she has a ways to go with her kids eating healthy at times when she's not around (don't we all have that problem?). :)

So, I've slowly been adapting some of her ideas into my life. Starting with exercise (intervals!! weights!!) ... and adding flax seed to my food (where's the floss?).... and drinking a gallon of water every day (I'm "apeeing every hour".... European too if you drink a gallon of water a day!).

So far... any results? Well, went shopping with Mandi last Saturday, and I had to buy a size smaller than I used to! It was funny b/c I couldn't find her at the store, so I called her on the cell in the dressing room, and said "where are you?" and I *think* she started laughing b/c she said "in the dressing room"... to which I started laughing. I said "open your door!" and she opened her door, and we were right across from each other! Ha! Anyways, fluke or no fluke ... it was awesome buying a size smaller.

Oh, and she has NO clue I'm spotlighting her on my blog. ::giggle:: I'm sneaky that way. But she does have the most adorable kids.

Check out her blog TRAINER MOMMA ... It's awesome.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

...things i've learned this week

  • having a uniform requirement for middle school is AWESOME

  • what's NOT awesome is soaking katie's white polo shirts in bleach water... THREE the first week!

  • said daughter still needs a bib...which caused me to soak said shirts in bleach water

  • said daughter also learned this week that black DOES go with red ::duh:: everything goes wth black

  • getting up at 5:15 does not guarantee I can get myself, two girls & a husband out of bed, fed, lunches made & ready for school & work by 7:30

  • no one helps me do anything .... I do all the work ::grumble::

  • when momma ain't happy, no one ain't happy (see above reason for why momma wasn't happy)

  • kids don't clean their room.... they shove all belongings in any openings possible

  • maddie has too many clothes

  • katie doesn't have enough clothes

  • katie learned that some friends from elementary school don't want to hang around her anymore.... she said she's not "cool" enough for some friends :(

  • proud that my daughter is strong enough as a person to be ok when brushed off by friends.... she said "it's their loss" ::sniff::

  • i seriously need my OWN ipod with my music ... using katie's ipod at work & bopping along to taylor swift is causing me to get some odd looks ::whatever::

  • introducing "gratitude" notebooks has proven to be a winner for my family.... everyone has their own notebook and whenever someone sees them do something nice for someone else, they get a note written in their own notebook! by anyone!

  • working out at night is soooo calming for me. i can elliptical like no one else.....

  • i still sleepwalk.....been finding my hearing aids & glasses in odd places in the morning ::blush::
  • laundry doesn't fold itself ::grumble::

...and for your visual pleasure.... here is katie eating one of those extreme sourballs... enjoy!

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