Maddie will be turning 8 in a month. That is a BIG age for all the kids in
our church. That's the age they are able to be baptized if they choose! When Katie was almost 8, she was finally able to get her ears pierced, so naturally, Maddie was given the same opportunity.
Now, Maddie freaks OUT when she hears the word "shots".
It's a "hold-her-down-with-arms-&-legs-until-it's-over" kind of incident.
But, she didn't bat an eye this time. All for beauty, huh?
We went to Claire's. Let me say that I researched where to go to get my girls' ear pierced. I've always been told "stay away from Claire's". So, I did with Katie. We went to Libby Lu's. Well, Libby Lu's closed down last winter. I had a friend tell me she had a great experience with Claire's this past July, so decided to go for it.
Wrong decision. Now, I'm a blogger. I take pictures that are important to me and I take pictures to document things we go through in our life. I wanted to get a picture of my baby in the chair, before she had her ears done. The lady at Claire's wasn't even READY yet! I got my camera out, told Maddie to smile (by then, she was getting nervous and the waterworks started), and the lady turned around and glared and said "no pictures allowed". I said "uh, this is my daughter, and if I want to take a picture, I will". She said "fine, take it outside and take a picture there." WHAT?!! I told her I wasn't taking a picture WHILE she was doing it, just before! OK... c'mon people! So, no picture of Maddie before she had it done, just after.
I'm still a little peeved about it all.
But Maddie loves her earrings. She wanted diamonds. (aka cubic zirconia)

and now this side....