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Saturday, January 16, 2010

..."my job chart" website

A month ago, I was lurking on another blog, and this gal spoke highly of My Job Chart website. This website is free! I have created tons of different types of chore charts for my girls in the past. We've used stickers, we've used stars, we've used magnets, we've used marbles.... we've done it all. Nothing sticks. I blame me. I can't keep up w/ it all.

Fortunately, today I had some time to finally head on over to this website and created an account for my family. I added in the chores that my girls are expected to do daily (i.e. make bed, brush teeth, clean room, etc) plus extras that I want them to do (Katie has to empty dishwasher on Monday/Wednesday/Friday & Madison empties it on Tuesday/Thursday & Saturday).

Now, with all of this comes the rewards! Each chore is worth points. There is a reward store in which they can "shop" for rewards! For example, Katie has an iPod, and I used the amount of 150 points equals one download (she can earn about 75 points each day w/ her chores). To skip a job is 150 points! My girls love $$ for an allowance, but we usually have it set up to where they have to do their chores for the money. There are also some extras like making cookies, or getting an ice cream cone. You determine what the reward is and the amount of that reward. Now, some parents are not big on TV time, so maybe 30 points equals a half an hour of TV time. Or even computer time! It's your choice.

It's even so easy to login once you set up your family account. Upload a picture of each child, and use a password for each kid. Bookmark the site, and when they go there, they click on their picture, and type in their password. It goes directly to their list of chores to do that day!

No more clutter on my fridge or walls! My girls love being on the computer anyways, so this is an easy way to keep track! Let's see how long it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. SO cool!! I need this for my husband. :) How do you subtract points?


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