Well, we made it to 13 years.
We were sealed in the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple 13 years ago.
I met Mike at the singles branch at my church. He was fresh meat.. like all good looking guys with girls drooling over fresh meat (or when the BYU kids come home for the summer). However, I wasn't interested. Neither was he. I thought he was rude, to be honest. I'm sure he thought I was bossy. I was the Relief Society President at that time... so I was bossy.
Until one night, he asked me to dance. He brought a date to this dance, though. He waited until she was in the bathroom, and we danced to a Garth Brooks song.
A few days later, he shows up at my door, with a yellow rose. He wanted to ask me out on a date. He considers this our first date. I don't. I consider a date something planned. It wasn't planned on my part! Might have been for him though.
We were sealed in the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple 13 years ago.
I met Mike at the singles branch at my church. He was fresh meat.. like all good looking guys with girls drooling over fresh meat (or when the BYU kids come home for the summer). However, I wasn't interested. Neither was he. I thought he was rude, to be honest. I'm sure he thought I was bossy. I was the Relief Society President at that time... so I was bossy.
Until one night, he asked me to dance. He brought a date to this dance, though. He waited until she was in the bathroom, and we danced to a Garth Brooks song.
A few days later, he shows up at my door, with a yellow rose. He wanted to ask me out on a date. He considers this our first date. I don't. I consider a date something planned. It wasn't planned on my part! Might have been for him though.

Our song was "Keeper of the Stars". Mike was literally a cowboy when I met him. It seemed perfect for us. Then, apparently I told him cowboys stink, and I hate his boots & hat, and he.threw.them.away! As if! Well, as if he would know that in 13 years, I would think cowboy boots & cowboy hats are very hot... He's finally looking for a pair of cowboy boots again.

Let's call her Katie, for the sake of the story.

After looking at all these pictures of my hair short...
I am thinking it's time to cut my hair short again!